Crystals for Leo

Hello there and happy New Moon in Leo!!!

Leo season tends to be where the year starts getting really good for me (I recently learned this is because I have a Leo Midheaven, which means that Leo energy is where I find confidence and success, which makes as much sense as it does make me uncomfortable), and I’m really excited about this new cycle ahead of us.

Last Leo season (actually right ON the Leo New Moon!) I began the process of filing for sole custody of my kids, and while yes that was a huge part of what was probably the worst and hardest six months of my life, it was truly the beginning of a new season: a season where I can confidently live a life that’s in alignment with my values. I’m not going to lie, at the time I would not have said that I was “ushering in a new season of alignment and abundance”, but… as we complete the cycle and come back to the Leo New Moon… yeah, that’s exactly what it was.

Anyway, I am not here to talk about the absolute dumpster fire that my life was this time last year, or everything that went into getting me to where I am right now (although that may be a topic for a future blog post once I can get back into the routine of writing more regularly), I am here to give you the next installment in my “crystals for each zodiac sign” series.

Obviously, today’s post is going to be about the crystals for Leo season (and/or Leo placements!), but if you are new to the series, here’s the short version of what we’re doing here and why:

Over the course of the 2020-2021 zodiac year, I released a jewelry collection for each sign, each made up of five stones that I carefully researched and selected as the best supports for that sign to enhance their strengths and help alleviate their challenges. I’m very proud of the jewelry collection. However, I never really made content about the stones I chose for each sign and why.

That’s what we’re here for today. And if you’re interested in catching up with the rest of the zodiac year so far, you can also read the posts for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer by clicking their respective links.

We’re also here today so that I can announce that the Journaling Prompts for Leo Season PDF Download is also live, should you desire some helpful journaling prompts for this New Moon.

Now, lets get to those Leo Season Crystals:

Tiger’s Eye

Leo is the lion of the zodiac and so OF COURSE I can’t make a Crystals for Leo jewelry collection/blog post without Tiger’s Eye. First of all because there’s no crystal with the word “lion” in the name and “tiger” is about as close as we’re going to get, and also because Tiger’s Eye is a stone that just embodies everything we love about Leo placements: Unshakeable confidence, unstoppable willpower, and protective of the people and things that they love. One thing that I think we all love about Tiger’s Eye is how it is just so COMFORTABLE in the spotlight. Like have you ever seen a piece of Tiger’s Eye that you just couldn’t look away from? Yeah, that’s the vibe for Leo season (and a very uncomfortable exercise in personal growth for me, a person who would rather not ever be perceived, but that is an entirely different topic). This is the season for going after what we want, isn’t it?

Black Obsidian

As a Libra (sun, moon, and mercury), with a LOT of water placements elsewhere in my chart, one thing about Leo placements that I find very admirable and also kind of annoying is the way that their energy is just… not affected by everything going on around them. My brother in law is probably the Leo sun that I’ve spent the most time with and he is ALARMINGLY unshakeable. I feel like Leo season is a great time to bring that energy into our lives, so Black Obsidian was another obvious choice. This is because it literally acts as an energy shield. Bad energy just can’t even get to you if you’re wearing Black Obsidian. So if we can’t be naturally gifted with being effortlessly unbothered as we go about our daily lives like Leo placements do, Black Obsidian can offer us some support to get there eventually.

Red Jasper

Another thing about Leo is their ability to just DO what they know they need to do. There’s a cool levelheadedness when it comes to making decisions and solving problems that’s just so uniquely Leo. Now this is just my own personal observation, but it seems that with that legendary Leo confidence comes a distinct clarity in their intuition. Like it’s just never a question, they just know what they need to do next (or what you need to do next, if you’re going to a Leo for advice). Red Jasper is the stone I chose to either enhance those qualities in Leo placements, or to support the rest of us (ahem, me, again with all of those Libra placements) to do the same. Because what makes Red Jasper so special, is that it really calms down our racing thoughts and feelings so that we can focus and just get things done.


With their legendary confidence, Leo carries the danger of erring into the territory of arrogance. Or, in their less healthy forms, egomania and even hubris. Hematite is the stone that I chose to help bring some grounding, to tone down the extremes so that we can really embrace the positive aspects of Leo energy. Yes, it is great to follow our top-notch intuition and get shit done like a badass, but ALSO we have to be careful not to girlboss too close to the sun. I don’t know about you, but that’s frequently my temptation anytime I start to lean into Leo energy, and Hematite is here to keep us safely on the ground, WHILE we make things happen. Because it’s all about balance, you know? The other thing besides grounding that we really love Hematite for.


And finally, to round out the collection, we have THE stone for Leo: Sunstone. Sunstone is part of the feldspar family of crystals, which means that it’s composed of many thin layers that reflect light in all different directions. This physical property is what gives Sunstone its unique, glowing-from-within luminosity. Just like, you know, the sun. Which rules Leo. As Leo placements are known for being very confident in the spotlight (can’t relate), I also love Sunstone for Leo Season, as a reminder to show up as the biggest, best, most authentic version of ourselves. Because that’s what Sunstone is all about. Confidence, yes. But confidence in who we truly are, and letting our unique, innate gifts shine out into the world around us.

I truly hope that you’ve enjoyed learning about the Crystals for Leo with me! Writing this series has been a wonderful follow-up to designing my original Zodiac Collection, and has been a wonderful companion to the new research that I’m doing as I create the Journaling Prompts for each zodiac season.

And yes, you can shop the Crystals for Leo collection right here:

from $30.00

Or treat yourself to the Journaling Prompts for Leo Season PDF Download right here.

Until next time!