Crystals for Capricorn
Ok so yes, TECHNICALLY the New Moon in Capricorn was yesterday. But it felt more appropriate to write/post the Crystals for Capricorn Season blog post on New Year’s Eve.
Because what is EVERYONE thinking about right now? Their goals and intentions for the new year.
And what is the Capricorn New Moon all about?
Re-committing to our drives and ambitions.
It’s just… perfect timing. So aligned. And what a way to close out my own personal year of alignment (“alignment” was my “word of the year” for 2024!). So, forgive me for some scheduling liberties. I think we all understand that this was worth it.
SO. Let’s get to it.
For those that are new here, with every New Moon of this astrological year I have released a PDF download of journaling prompts for that Zodiac season.
You can get the Journaling Prompts for Capricorn Season here.
And with each PDF of journaling prompts, I’ve also written a companion blog post about the crystals I chose for each Zodiac season back in 2020/2021 when I released my Zodiac Jewelry Collection (which was a year-long effort of research and monthly mini-launches!) that I just… never revisited again. Well, the 2024/2025 Zodiac year was the year I made that right. And today we're going to take a deeper look into the crystals that I chose for the Capricorn Zodiac Collection.
(If you want to go back through the archives and read the blog posts for the other signs, you can find Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius at each of their respective links)
So are we ready to dive in?
Rhodonite is a stone that’s all about gentle, compassionate energy. Which… maybe seems a little bit odd to be the first stone that I picked for CAPRICORN, arguably the most aggressive of all the signs (at least when it comes to getting what they want). Well here’s the thing: when I was doing the research to pick the stones that I would use for each sign’s jewelry collection, I looked everything from both directions. What energies would enhance the strengths of this sign, and what energies would help to support this sign in their challenges. Rhodonite falls into the second category for Capricorns. Yes, Capricorns are known for MAKING THINGS HAPPEN and Capricorn season is when we see arguably the biggest push for identifying and going after new goals. BUT. This needs to be tempered with a hefty dose of self compassion. Compassion to be realistic with our ambitions, and gentle with ourselves when things don’t work out as planned (or we need to change our course due to unforeseen circumstances).
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is, and I have said this before, one of my all time favorite stones. And there are two reasons that I chose it for the Capricorn collection, that have to do with very different properties that Smoky Quartz has. First, it’s a stone that very powerfully transmutes negative energy into positive energy. This is the exact support that we need most at the time of the year when we might be evaluating what didn’t work in the past year but are hoping to alchemize it into something even better in the year ahead. But also, it’s a very grounding, protective stone that helps us stay down to earth, to set reasonable expectations of what we will do and be in the year ahead, and pursue our desires without opening ourselves up to too much risk. Now what better way is there to ensure that our goals and dreams truly make it into reality than to channel the lessons and challenges of the past into safe, realistic plans for the future?
White Howlite
One of my favorite things about Capricorn energy is the confidence. The way that Capricorns just go for whatever it is that they know they’re after and really do not care to hear what anyone else has to say. As a Libra (Sun, Mercury, AND Mars…) this is just, beyond admirable. This is straight up goals. Now I used to think that this was some mysterious, innate quality that some people just have and I was not fortunate enough to be one of those people, but, as I’ve become older and wiser, I’ve learned what the real root of this is. It’s a really solid sense of inner peace. The reason that Capricorns can just go for what they want, is because they aren’t worried about all of the other options and whether or not they might be a better use of their time. I also love White Howlite for Capricorn season because, in the depths of winter, it’s easy to let the holiday chaos, seasonal depression, and new-year pressure get to us. But, White Howlite is here to let us know that we can, in fact, chill.
If Capricorn’s ability to go after what they want was a two-sided coin, the other side to the levelheaded peace of White Howlite is the Laser-focus of Flourite. Flourite is a stone that has earned it’s nickname of “the psychic vacuum cleaner” because it just SUCKS UP every bit of negative or distracting energy so that the path to whatever you’re after is CLEAR. Maybe this is just me and my ADHD speaking, but how often is the beautiful, ambitious vision we create for ourselves at the turn of the new year held back by the fact that a million tiny, unrelated distractions get in the way and stop us from taking the action that will get us where we want to go. Fluorite is the stone that we want on our side to stop this from happening. Her job is to help us keep our eye on the prize, and she does a damn good job of it.
Finally, we come to our last stone for this collection, Sunstone. She is, admittedly, maybe not the first stone we think of in the dead of winter, but she is the stone that we need. Sunstone embodies a type of confidence that is very… self assured (going back to that White Howlite inner peace!) and unafraid of showing up as who she know’s she’s meant to be. She is not just confident in what she knows she needs to do, but also, that it’s going to work out the way she wants it to in the end. Which is… maybe not naturally how we’re feeling at the turn of the new year, but obviously how we should be showing up for ourselves in this season. Obviously our friends with Capricorn placements aren’t dealing with this internal struggle, so the Sunstone energy is there to enhance what they’ve already got going on (and are doing great at!)
So that’s our Crystals for Capricorn blog post! As I’ve mentioned before in the other blogs, my original intention with the zodiac collection was to support those with placements in those signs, but as the years have gone on I have really seen how these stones can support all of us through their respective seasons.
If you’ve read this and thought to yourself “hey, I think I really do need some Crystals for Capricorn jewelry,” I have some great news: you can shop the jewelry collection right here.
And for those that are a little more on the “well maybe it’s a good time for some New Moon journaling time,” the Capricorn season journaling prompts are right here for you.
See you in Aquarius season!