How to use your Crystal Affirmation Cards
Hello friends,
If last year was the ride that I wanted so badly to get off of but couldn’t, this year is already shaping up to be the magical journey of FINALLY making the life and business that really works for me.
And that starts today. Ok actually it started a couple of weeks ago when I decided that I was giving up self-sabotage for lent. But that’s a story for a different day.
Basically, every day that I want to run and hide and make myself small because that’s what feels safe… I’m getting off my ass and doing the hard thing that I know is the right thing. Yes this is… something that is happening literally every single day because that’s how deeply ingrained the self-sabotage is.
So here we are, with a new blog post (one of the major players in the new model of how things will be going here for the rest of the year) to announce a new, free, printable resource for keeping the good vibes flowing wherever you are (or, helping to get through some bad vibes if that’s what you’re going through):
Allow me to introduce, my very first mini-deck of self-love affirmation cards.
(hold for applause and audible gasps of shock and awe)
What are they?
Exactly like it says on the tin: 24 (meaning I designed 24 different ones) Printable (meaning you download the file, which is linked here, print them out at home, at work, or at your local public library) Self Love (meaning themed around building and reinforcing love and compassion for yourself and seeing yourself in the best possible light), Affirmation (they have positive affirmation statements written on them for you to read or say out loud to yourself), Cards (they are printed on paper cards so that you can tape them in places you want to see them regularly, carry them with you, or give them out to people who you think could use them)
How do I use them?
Ok so I guess there are two directions this question could go in: How do I use the digital file and how do I use the physical cards made from the file.
The answer to the first question is “click on the link, download the file from my Google Drive to save to your computer, then print them out (ideally on card stock, but ordinary paper will do) at 100% scale, then cut out the individual cards.”
And the answer to the second question is “that’s really up to you and how you like to work with affirmations, but a few suggestions that I might offer would be: tape your favorites up on every mirror you regularly use so that you can repeat them to yourself until you really, really believe them, put a few in your purse/wallet/planner so that you can have positive reminders wherever you go, shuffle them like tarot cards and pick one to reflect on in your journaling, or carry the whole pack with you and place them in inconspicuous public places so that a stranger can find them”
Why would I need these?
To increase positive feelings of self-love, obviously.
Ok I know that was a kind of woo-woo answer but here’s some real brain science to back it up: due to something called neuroplasticity, our brains, EVEN OUR VERY SET IN THEIR WAYS ADULT BRAINS can create shortcuts called neural pathways that allow us to bypass conscious thought (the part where my might talk ourselves out of believing something positive about ourself), and simply believe and embody a version of ourself that is more aligned with what we want to be. Affirmations (and by extension, having tangible reminders of them like affirmation cards) are a perfect tool to use this to our advantage.
Where do I get them?
By subscribing to my email list. All new subscribers will get a welcome email with the download link. But, since I understand that not everyone wants to join yet another email list (mine is really good though) and I don’t want to take away your ability to support my family financially (because this is, literally, my actual full time job that pays my bills), I also made the download available on my website.
Can you tell me a little bit more about the artwork?
Sure! I designed all of the cards around my own photography (those are my hands holding crystals from my personal collection), wrote the affirmations, and spent way too long nitpicking over designs and what was going where. Then, because I have no self-control, what I meant to be a single page printable turned into four pages of a complete affirmation card deck…
Wait one more time where is the link to get them?
You can purchase them here. The download link is in the welcome email if you want them for free.
If you’ve found a creative way to use your affirmation cards, PLEASE leave it in the comments, I can’t wait to find out how other people are using them. If you post photos on Instagram, be sure to tag @shop.victoriaannmeyers so that I can share them and keep those good vibes flowing around and around and around!
Til next time!