Journal Prompts to Cultivate an Abundance Mindset (even if you're broke as sh*t)

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Journal Prompts to Cultivate an Abundance Mindset (even if you're broke as sh*t)


"Abundance" is a big buzzword in the spiritual and self-improvement circles, and, it's as appealing as all heck. But for a lot of us, there is a big disconnect between the reality we find ourselves in and the glamourous images of riches and excess pushed by the big manifestation gurus. They sell aspirational content about manifesting mansions and private jets. What about those of us that don't live in that world, and maybe don't even want to. Is abundance for us too?


I'm a firm believer that abundance is an internal feeling rather than an outward state of being, and that anyone, yes, even those of us deep in the day-to-day struggles of late-stage capitalism, can intentionally cultivate a mindset of abundance even in our current circumstances. And that when we do so, we can put ourselves in a much better position for when those circumstances inevitably change.

This book is a collection of guided journaling prompts to help us really develop a deep sense of gratitude, appreciate the abundance we already have all around us, and to sow the seeds for an abundant future.

Rather than focusing on the external, the things that we're pursuing, these prompts encourage us to slow down, and turn inwardly to define what abundance is for ourselves, and build those feelings of gratitude and abundance into our daily lives, so we can break the cycle of chasing after more and more and more. Yes, even if we're broke as sh*t.

8.5 x 11” Physical book. 32 pages.

Ebook version also available.

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